Mickey Calling! From Disney Lover to Travel Agent!

Hey there, Disney dreamers!

Ever since I was a kid, Disney has held a special place in my heart. From countless trips to the parks to movie marathons with friends, the magic has always been alive. So, it wasn’t a huge surprise when the idea of becoming a Disney travel agent sparked a fire within me over a decade ago.

Maybe you’re nodding your head right now, a fellow Disney enthusiast yearning to turn that passion into a career. Well, I’m here to share my journey from Disney fan to Disney travel agent and hopefully inspire yours!

First Things First: The Magical Must-Haves

Sure, a love for Mickey waffles and a killer Space Mountain strategy are great, but to become a Disney focused travel agent, there are a few key things you’ll need:

  • The Travel Agent Badge: This is your official passport to the world of travel booking. There are multiple online courses available. Suppliers offer training courses and regularly updated training and events to keep you informed and knowledgeable.
  • The Host with the Most: Next up, find a reputable host agency. They’ll provide training, support, and access to booking platforms for all sorts of travel suppliers, including – you guessed it – Disney!
    Wonderland and Beyond Travel offers a full training program when you sign up and continued education and support throughout your travel advisor career.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect:

Becoming a Disney wiz: Training Like a Pro

Once you’re an established travel agent, it’s time to unlock the secrets of Disney vacations! Most host agencies offer Disney-specific programs. Get ready to transform into a Disney encyclopedia:

  • Destination Deciphering: Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Adventures by Disney, Disney Cruise Line – you’ll become an expert on all things Disney destinations and their unique offerings.
  • Planning Powerhouse: Master the art of crafting dream Disney itineraries. This means navigating park passes, dining reservations, those oh-so-important Genie+ and Lightning Lane strategies, and so much more!
  • Client Whisperer: Sharpen your customer service skills to become an expert listener. Uncover your clients’ travel dreams and translate them into reality!

Beyond the Training: Skills You Need

While the training equips you with the knowledge, there are other skills that will make you a fantastic Disney travel agent:

Passion for Disney: Of course, a genuine love for all things Disney is key! Your enthusiasm will be contagious and help clients connect with their dream vacation.

Organization & Detail-Oriented: Disney trips involve many moving parts, and you’ll need to be organized and detail-oriented to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Excellent Communication: Clear and consistent communication with clients is crucial to ensure their expectations are met and exceeded.

Problem-Solving Prowess: Let’s face it, things don’t always go according to plan. Being a resourceful problem solver will help navigate any unexpected hiccups.

Is this the Happiest Place on Your Career Map?

The journey to becoming a Disney focused travel agent takes dedication, but the rewards are endless. Imagine helping families create memories that will last a lifetime, from character breakfasts to thrilling rides.

If you’re a Disney devotee with a passion for travel and a desire to help others experience the magic, then this path might be the perfect pixie-dusted adventure for you!

Wonderland and Beyond Travel has been a Disney Earmarked Authorized Disney Vacation Planners for several years.

The Walt Disney Company only Earmarks a handful of travel agencies that meet specific Disney standards with this Authorized Disney Vacation Planner Status.

Becoming a Disney focused travel agent can be an exciting career choice for those passionate about Disney parks and vacations. Here’s a general guide on how to become one:

  1. Research the Role: Understand what a Disney focused travel agent does. They help clients plan and book Disney vacations, including accommodations, tickets, dining reservations, and more. They may also offer advice on attractions, events, and promotions.
  2. Gain Knowledge about Disney: Become an expert on all things Disney, including the various parks (Disneyland, Disney World, etc.), resorts, dining options, ticket types, special events, and attractions. Visit Disney parks if possible, or immerse yourself in Disney-related content through books, blogs, videos, and forums.
  3. Develop Sales and Customer Service Skills: As a travel agent, you’ll need strong sales and customer service skills to effectively communicate with clients, understand their needs, and provide personalized recommendations.
  4. Consider Formal Education or Training: While not always required, completing courses or obtaining certifications in travel and tourism can be beneficial. Look for programs that cover topics like destination knowledge, sales techniques, and customer service.
  5. Gain Experience: Consider gaining experience in the travel industry, whether through internships, part-time jobs, or volunteering opportunities. This will help you build relevant skills and knowledge.
  6. Join a Travel Agency or Network: Many Disney travel agents work as independent contractors affiliated with a travel agency or consortium specializing in Disney vacations. Research reputable agencies like Wonderland and Beyond Travel, or networks that specialize in Disney travel and inquire about opportunities to join them.
  7. Join an agency that is an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner: Disney has a program called the Authorized Disney Vacation Planner (ADVP) program, which provides training and resources to travel agencies specializing in Disney vacations. Joining an agency, like Wonderland and Beyond Travel that is an ADVP can enhance your credibility and access to exclusive offers and promotions.
  8. Market Yourself: Once you’ve become a Disney focused travel agent, market yourself to potential clients. This may involve creating a website, leveraging social media, attending travel fairs or events, and networking within Disney fan communities.
  9. Stay Updated: Disney parks and resorts are constantly evolving with new attractions, events, and promotions. Stay updated on the latest developments to provide the best service to your clients.
  10. Provide Excellent Service: Finally, focus on providing excellent service to your clients. Help them plan memorable Disney vacations tailored to their preferences and budget, and be available to assist them before, during, and after their trip.

Remember that becoming a successful Disney travel agent requires dedication, enthusiasm, and a genuine passion for Disney magic.

If you’re interested in learning more about being a Disney focused travel agent at Wonderland and Beyond Travel, be sure to check out our JOIN OUR TEAM page.

Wonderland and Beyond Travel® is a concierge-style travel agency, booking vacations worldwide. Our team of seasoned travel planners meticulously craft seamless journeys with unforgettable experiences and moments to cherish.

At Wonderland and Beyond Travel®, we're all about making your dream vacations a reality!  Let us plan your next adventure!

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